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The historical revenue page for Apple Inc. provides a comprehensive overview of the company's quarterly revenue and income trends from 2009-06-27 to 2024-09-28. The visualizations are designed to be easily interpretable, offering insights into the company's revenue growth and fluctuations, and making it a valuable resource for investors and analysts interested in its financial health.

Income chart quarterly

Quarterly Table (in millions)

date Revenue Gross Profit Operating Income/Loss Net Income
2024-09-28 94930 43879 29591 14736
2024-06-29 85777 39678 25352 21448
2024-03-30 90753 42271 27900 23636
2023-12-30 119575 54855 40373 33916
2023-09-30 89498 40427 26969 22956
2023-07-01 81797 36413 22998 19881
2023-04-01 94836 41976 28318 24160
2022-12-31 117154 50332 36016 29998
2022-09-24 90146 38095 24894 20721
2022-06-25 82959 35885 23076 19442
2022-03-26 97278 42559 29979 25010
2021-12-25 123945 54243 41488 34630
2021-09-25 83360 35174 23786 20551
2021-06-26 81434 35255 24126 21744
2021-03-27 89584 38079 27503 23630
2020-12-26 111439 44328 33534 28755
2020-09-26 64698 24689 14775 12673
2020-06-27 59685 22680 13091 11253
2020-03-28 58313 22370 12853 11249
2019-12-28 91819 35217 25569 22236
2019-09-28 64040 24313 15625 13686
2019-06-29 53809 20227 11544 10044
2019-03-30 58015 21821 13415 11561
2018-12-29 84310 32031 23346 19965
2018-09-29 62900 24084 16118 14125
2018-06-30 53265 20421 12612 11519
2018-03-31 61137 23422 15894 13822
2017-12-30 88293 33912 26274 20065
2017-09-30 52579 19931 13120 10714
2017-07-01 45408 17488 10768 8717
2017-04-01 52896 20591 14097 11029
2016-12-31 78351 30176 23359 17891
2016-09-24 46852 17813 11761 9014
2016-06-25 42358 16106 10105 7796
2016-03-26 50557 19921 13987 10516
2015-12-26 75872 30423 24171 18361
2015-09-26 51501 20548 14623 11124
2015-06-27 49605 19681 14083 10677
2015-03-28 58010 23656 18278 13569
2014-12-27 74599 29741 24246 18024
2014-09-27 42123 16009 11165 8467
2014-06-28 37432 14735 10282 7748
2014-03-29 45646 17947 13593 10223
2013-12-28 57594 21846 17463 13072
2013-09-28 37472 13871 10030 7512
2013-06-29 35323 13024 9201 6900
2013-03-30 43603 16349 12558 9547
2012-12-29 54512 21060 17210 13078
2012-09-29 35966 14401 10944 8223
2012-06-30 35023 14994 11573 8824
2012-03-31 39186 18564 15384 11622
2011-12-31 46333 20703 17340 13064
2011-09-24 28270 11380 8710 6623
2011-06-25 28571 11922 9379 7308
2011-03-26 24667 10218 7874 5987
2010-12-25 26741 10298 7827 6004
2010-09-25 20343 7512 5447 4308
2010-06-26 15700 6136 4234 3253
2010-03-27 13499 5625 3979 3074
2009-12-26 15683 6411 4725 3378
2009-09-26 9870 3614 2193 1665
2009-06-27 8337 3023 1672 1229