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The historical balance sheet page for Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. provides an overview of the company's quarterly assets, liabilities and equity trends from 2011-04-02 to 2024-09-28.

Balance chart quarterly

Quarterly Table (in millions)

date Assets Liabilities Equity
2024-09-28 100364 51392 48972
2024-06-29 98496 -47419 47419
2024-03-30 97095 -45504 45504
2023-12-31 98726 52002 46724
2023-09-30 97057 51711 45346
2023-07-01 94105 -43802 43802
2023-04-01 94658 -42310 42310
2022-12-31 97154 53122 44032
2022-10-01 90536 46928 43608
2022-07-02 90579 -42354 42354
2022-04-02 92747 -41018 41018
2021-12-31 95123 54268 40855
2021-10-02 73600 34890 38710
2021-07-03 67698 -36854 36854
2021-04-03 65931 -35058 35058
2020-12-31 69052 34545 34507
2020-09-26 64061 32237 31824
2020-06-27 61593 -29875 29875
2020-03-28 58688 -28559 28559
2019-12-31 58381 28706 29675
2019-09-28 56729 27374 29355
2019-06-29 57970 -28729 28729
2019-03-30 55596 -27693 27693
2018-12-31 56232 28646 27586
2018-09-29 55078 28188 26890
2018-06-30 55403 -26445 26445
2018-03-31 56580 30457 26123
2017-12-31 56669 31256 25413
2017-09-30 55985.3 31283.5 24701.8
2017-07-01 46513.7 24122.1 22391.6
2017-04-01 46213.6 24418.4 21795.2
2016-12-31 45907.5 24368.2 21539.3
2016-10-01 48010.7 26352.1 21658.6
2016-07-02 42253.4 20989.5 21263.9
2016-04-02 42952.7 22028.3 20924.4
2015-12-31 40889 19538.8 21350.2
2015-09-26 41147.1 20296.9 20850.2
2015-06-27 41774.4 21094.6 20679.8
2015-03-28 41857.3 21942.5 19914.8
2014-12-31 42852.1 22304 20548.1
2014-09-27 42690.8 22180.2 20510.6
2014-06-28 44313.4 23654.8 20658.6
2014-03-29 46133.7 25703.1 20430.6
2013-12-31 31863.4 15007.3 16856.1
2013-09-28 28272.5 11835.2 16437.3
2013-06-29 27629.5 11826.7 15802.8
2013-03-30 27410.7 11811.2 15599.5
2012-12-31 27444.6 11979.9 15464.7
2012-09-29 27578 12287.5 15290.5
2012-06-30 26361.3 11266.9 15094.4
2012-03-31 26822.7 11533.7 15289
2011-12-31 26833.7 11795.6 15038.1
2011-10-01 26991.5 11795.6 15195.9
2011-07-02 24073.8 8408.1 15665.7
2011-04-02 23430.6 8175.9 15254.7